Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Growing Cucumbers and Peas in a Small Space

In our research we came across a youtube video from GrowingYourGreens.com.

The video shows cucumbers growing vertically in a very narrow planter box. We felt this would be appropriate for our garden design because if it works we can save a lot of space. We did make the bed a bit wider. We changed the inside dimensions to 9.5" wide 60" long and 14.5" tall. The lattice is simple plastic garden fencing. We also built a similar bed for our sugar snap peas pictured next to the cucumber bed. Cucumber starts were planted approx 6" apart, sugar snap peas were planted in 2 rows 2" apart. The wood we used was leftover from a previous project. I would say if you went out and purchased everything new you would probably have no more than $25 into this design. Remember whenever growing in raised beds use the best organic matter you can find and follow
a mix recipe such as Mel's mix. We also mulch regularly with good organic compost.
Just After Our Starts Were Planted
Our Lattice Was Built out of 2X4 Untreated Ash
Inside Dimensions 9.5"X60"X14.5" tall
After 2.5 weeks
We Used Nylon Zip Ties to Train the Cucumbers up the Trellis

Peas Planted 6/1/12 Sprouted After 3 Days

Sugar Snap Peas After 3.5 Weeks
Another View at 3.5 Weeks

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